In traditional medical sciences, kidney and liver failure are understood through the lens of ancient systems of medicine like Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These systems emphasize the balance of vital energies, such as doshas in Ayurveda or Qi in TCM or panch-mahabhutas (five elements) of naturopathy, as central to maintaining the balance of mann-atma-shareer (mind, body & soul). Kidney and liver failure are seen as disruptions in the flow of these energies, leading to imbalances that manifest as symptoms. Treatment in traditional medicine often involves herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and holistic practices suiting the needs of the patient according to her/ his vital forces, to restore the balance of mann-atma-shareer (mind, body & soul), thereby achieving good health.
These approaches may also have good elements from Modern Medicine, thereby addressing the goal of harmonizing kidney and liver function with rhythm of other bodily organs.